- 1) Which of the following are part of the Earth System?
- a. Biosphere
- b. Geosphere
- c. Atmosphere
- d. All of these and the hydrosphere
- 2) In which scenario below would you likely to hire a geoscientist to help better understand the situation?
A small community is worried about contamination of their water wells
from an industrial waste site
A subway tunnel is being bored under a major city
Finding the best route for a subsea pipeline
- Geoscientists might be employed in all of these scenarios
- 3) In which of the following is geological knowledge useful?
a. Avoiding geologic and other natural hazards
b. Supplying things we need
c. Protecting the environment
d. All of these are areas where geological knowledge is useful
a. Avoiding geologic and other natural hazards
4) Continental drift was suggested by this person to explain the movement of the
a. William Logan- b. Alfred Wegner
- c. William Smith
- d. Tuzo Wilson
4) Continental drift was suggested by this person to explain the movement of the
5) Pangea is the nameof:
a. A country in Europe
b. A supercontinent
c. An OK continent
d. The birth place of geology
6) The rock cycle:
a. Is a concept used to explain the relationship of the three main types of rocks - b. Describes the constant recycling of the three main types of rocks
- c. Does not encompass all geologic processes
- d. Is all of these
7) What is the Earth’s external source of energy?
a. Petroleum
b. Natural gas
c. Coal
d. The Sun
8) This Canadian geophysicist is credited with naming transform faults.
a. Alfred Wegener
b. Sir William Logan
c. Tuzo Wilson
d. William Smith
9) The oldest known fossils on Earth are how old?
a. 600 million years
b. 65 million years
c. 3.5 million years
d. 3 million years
10) Which of the following are steps of the scientific method?
a. Problem
b. Methodology
c. Analyze and Interpret
d. All of these
11) How big is the Manicouagan meteorite crater in Quebec?
a. 1 kilometre
b. 10 litometres
c. 100 lilometres
d. 1 000 lilometres
12) The Burgess Shale:
a. Contains fossils from the Cambrian “explosion”
b. Is a World Heritage Site
c. Is located in Yoho National Park, B.C.
d. Is all of these
13) The dinosaurs beame extinct about:
a. 6.5 million years ago
b. 65 million years ago
c. 650 million years ago
d. At the end of the Cretaceous Period
14) The layer of Earth composed of iron, nickel and silicon.
a. Core
b. Asthenosphere
c. Crust
d. Mantle
15) The division of geology that is concerned with the search for oil and gas is:
a. Petroleum geology
b. Petrology
c. Geophysics
d. Paleontology
16) Which of the following are types of geoscientist?
a. Mineralogist
b. Seismologist
c. Paleontologist
d. A geologist may specialize in any of these
17) This is one of the most important theories in geology
a. Plate tectonics
b. Continental drift
c. Relativity
d. Gravity
18) Geologists are generally agreed that Earth is:
a. As old as the hills and twice as dusty
b. About 6 000 years old
c. About 4.55 billion years old
d. About 100 million years old
19) Molten rock is called:
a. Magma
b. Lithosphere
c. Crust
d. Mantle
20) Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic are:
a. The three major classes of rocks
b. Three words that I never heard before
c. Three words composed of multiple syllables
d. Three types of plate boundaries
21) The southern supercontinent was called:
a. Laurentia
b. Glossopteris
c. Gondwana
d. Pangea
22) The sliding of seafloor beneath a continent or island arc is known as:
a. Obfuscation
b. Obduction
c. Subduction
d. Obliteration
23) The tectonic plates of Earth are part of Earth’s:
a. Crust
b. Mantle
c. Lithosphere
d. Asthenosphere
24) The MorleyWineMatthews hypothesis explains the origin of:
a. Polar wandering
b. Seafloor magnetic anomalies
c. Continental drift
d. Midocean ridges
25) The San Andreas Fault in California is a:
a. Convergent plate boundary
b. Divergent plate boundary
c. Transform plate boundary
d. None or these
26) Which of the following features would you expect to find at an oceanocean
convergent boundary?
a. Volcanic island arc
b. Ocean trench
c. Earthquakes
d. All of these
27) Which of the following features would you expect to find at an oceancontinent
convergent boundary?
a. Deep ocean trench
b. Volcanic mountain chain
c. Earthquakes
d. All of these
28) Which of the following features would you expect to find at a continentcontinent
convergent boundary?
a. Deep ocean trench
b. Suture zone
c. Volcanic mountain chain
d. All of these
29) Passive Continental Margins are created at
a. Divergent plate boundaries
b. Convergent plate boundaries
c. Transform plate boundaries
d. All of these
30) The Hawaiian Islands are the result of:
a. Subduction
b. Seafloor spreading
c. A mantle plume
d. None of these
31) Metallic ores are created at divergent plate boundaries:
a. Through hydrothermal processes
b. In lava flows
c. In sedimentary deposits
d. All of these
32) A large supercontinent that existed 225 million years ago was:
a. Gondwanaland
a. Gondwanaland
b. Laurasia
c. Glossopteris
d. Pangea
33) Alfred Wegener was a:
a. Geologist
b. Geophysicist
c. Astronomer
d. Meteorologist
d. Meteorologist
34) Which of the following was not used by Wegner as evidence of continental drift?
a. Fossils that were common to many continents
b. Evidence of glaciation on widely separated continents
c. The geometric fit of the continents
d. Magnetic anomalies on the seafloor
35) Continental drift and the reorganization of this hypothesis to Plate Tectonics was
made possible by advances in:
a. Understanding of Earth’s magnetic field
b. Understanding of Earth’s fossil record
c. Development of radiometric dating methods
d. None of these
36) An early hypothesis that eventually led to the Theory of Plate Tectonics was:
a. The Elastic Rebound Theory of G.K. Gilbert in the early 1900’s
b. “Theory of the Earth” by James Hutton, 1788
c. Seafloor spreading by Harry Hess, 1962
d. All of these
37) The age of the seafloor is relatively young because
a. It is continuously generated at midocean ridges
b. It is continuously destroyed at subduction zones
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
38) If a plate moves 20 mm per year, how far will it move in 1 million years?
a. 20 meters
b. 20 kilometers
c. 20 centimeters
d. 2 000 kilometers
39) The East African Rift is an example of:
a. A continentcontinent convergent boundary
b. An oceancontinent convergent boundary
c. An oceanocean convergent boundary
d. A divergent plate boundary
40) The Wilson Cycle is
a. The formation of hot spots
b. An ocean current
c. The melting of rocks
d. The opening and closing of an ocean
41) The elastic rebound theory:
a. Explains folding of rocks
b. Explains the behavior of seismic waves
c. Explains the origins of earthquakes
d. None of these
42) The point within the Earth where seismic waves originate is:
a. The epicenter
b. The fault scarp
c. The origin
d. The focus
43) Pwaves are:
a. Transverse surface waves
b. Compressional body waves
c. Tensional surface waves
d. Shearing body waves
44) The minimum number of seismic stations needed to locate an earthquake is:
a. 8
b. 2
c. 3
d. 1
45) The Richter Scale is used to determine:
a. Intensity of earthquakes
b. The magnitude of earthquakes
c. The damage of Earthquakes
d. The number of casualties in an Earthquake
46) Benioff Zones are associated with:
a. Midocean ridges
b. Ancient mountain chains
c. Subduction zones
d. All of these
47) Most earthquakes at divergent plate boundaries are:
a. Shallow focus
b. Intermediate focus
c. Deep focus
d. All of these
48) Most earthqukes at convergent boundaries are:
a. Shallow focus
b. Intermediate focus
c. Deep focus
d. All of these
49) A zone of shallow earthquakes along normal faults is typical of:
a. Divergent plate boundaries
b. Convergent plate boundaries
c. Transform plate boundaries
d. None of these
50) A seismic gap is:
a. The time between large earthquakes
b. A segment of an active fault where earthquakes have not occurred for a
long time
c. The center of a tectonic plate where earthquakes rarely occur
d. A large chasm opened by an earthquake
51) Which of the following is characteristic of a tsunami?
a. Very long wavelength
b. Very fast moving
c. Very low amplitude in the open ocean
d. All of these
52) The fastest seismic waves are:
a. Pwaves
b. Swaves
c. Love waves
d. Rayleigh Waves
53) The first seismic waves to arrive at a seismic station are:
a. Pwaves
b. Swaves
c. Love waves
d. Rayleigh Waves
54) What should you do during an earthquake?
a. Get under sturdy furniture
b. Stay away from windows
c. Stay away from power lines
d. All of these
55) What should you do before an earthquake occurs
a. Develop an emergency plan
b. Assemble an emergency kit
c. Quakeproof your house
d. All of these
56) Analyses of seismograph records cannot provide information on:
a. The magnitude of the earthquake
b. The location of the earthquake
c. The number of fatalities in an Earthquake
d. The depth of the earthquake
57) Which of the following provinces has a seismic hazard?
a. New Brunswick
b. Ontario
c. British Columbia
d. All of these
58) The process of fluidizing watersaturated soil during an earthquake is know as:
a. Liquefaction
b. Quick sand
c. Gelatinization
d. None of these
59) Among the secondary effects of large earthquakes are:
a. Tsunamis
b. Fires
c. Landslides
d. All of these
60) Which of the following areas is most likely to experience a large magnitude
a. Southern California
b. Arctic Canada
c. Eastern Brazil
d. Southern Australia
61) Felsic and mafic terms used by geologists to describe:
a. Composition of continental and oceanic crust
b. Behaviour of earthquake waves
c. The mechanical behaviour of rocks
d. None of these
62) The boundary that separates the crust from the mantle is called:
a. The crust mantle boundary
b. The lithosphere
c. The Moho
d. All of these
63) The inner core is most likely composed of:
a. Silicon
b. Oxygen
c. Sulfur
d. Iron
64) The principle of continents being in buoyant equilibrium is known as:
a. Isostasy
b. The principle of buoyant equilibrium
c. The elastic rebound theory
d. None of these
65) A positive gravity anomaly indicates
a. A excess of mass
b. A deficiency of mass
c. A reversal of the gravitational field
d. None of these
66) Positive gravity anomalies are often associated with:
a. Deep ocean trenches
b. Ore bodies beneath Earth’s surface
c. Large cavern systems beneath Earth’s surface
d. All of these
67) A positive magnetic anomaly indicates:
a. A body of magnetic ore
b. An intrusion of Gabbro
c. Mafic rock masses
d. All of the above
68) Which of the following is not an example of Isostasy?
a. Deep mountain roots
b. Crustal Rebound
c. Ocean basins are deeper than continents
d. All of these
69) The Swave shadow zone is evidence that:
a. The outer core is liquid
b. The outer core is composed of iron and nickel oxides
c. The inner core is solid
d. It is very hot near the core
70) The physical evidence that the core is composed mostly of iron is:
a. The known mass of Earth requires material of high density at the core
b. Scientists have sampled the core and determined its composition
c. Volcanoes regularly erupt material from the core to the surface
d. All of these
71) The velocity of seismic waves varies through Earth because
a. Temperature varies within the Earth
b. Density of rocks varies within the Earth
c. The composition of rocks varies within the Earth
d. All of these
72) Convection is likely occurring in:
a. The mantle
b. The outer core
c. Both the mantle and the outer core
d. Throughout the Earth
73) The interior composition and structure of Earth have been deduced in part from:
a. Studies of meteorites
b. Deep drilling projects
c. Analyses of the behaviour of seismic waves
d. All of these
74) Heat inside Earth:
a. Is generated by radioactive decay
b. Is uniform throughout the interior
c. Decreases with increasing depth
d. None of these
75) The geothermal gradient in the crust averages
a. 25 degrees Celsius per kilometer
b. 1 degrees Celsius per kilometer
c. 10 degrees Celsius per kilometer
d. 100 degrees Celsius per kilometer
76) Heat flow to the surface of Earth:
a. Varies from place to place
b. Is highest in areas of active volcanism
c. Is lowest in stable continental interiors
d. All of these
77) The boundary between the crust and mantle:
a. Coincides with the boundary between the asthenosphere and lithosphere
b. Is marked by a change of velocity of seismic waves
c. Is the source of the Swave shadow zone
d. None of these
78) The largest portion of Earth’s volume is:
a. The crust
b. The Mantle
c. The inner core
d. The outer core
79) The composition of the upper mantle is known because:
a. Samples of mantle rock have been analyzed by scientists
b. Meteorites are believed to be similar to the mantle
c. Some caves on Earth extend into the mantle
d. None of these
80) The average thickness of the crust is:
a. 1012 km
b. 3050km
c. 100150km
d. 1 km
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