BIOB51 – Lecture 11
Patterns of Selection:
• Selection can happen at any time and is the removal of alleles from a population because the expression of the alleles in the phenotype (in the adults, gametes, or zygote)
Point mutations and pain:
o This is called rare phenotype advantage, which is
when individuals who are uncommon do better in their
lifetime reproductive success
• Fitness decreases as an allele becomes common
o The benefit of the trait is low if it is common
• The allele frequencies fluctuate around a stable equilibrium,
which is shown by ****
o A stable equilibrium point is where any deviations won’t
be maintained for very long because the population will move back to equilibrium
• Selection can happen at any time and is the removal of alleles from a population because the expression of the alleles in the phenotype (in the adults, gametes, or zygote)
Point mutations and pain:
They looked at the pedigree of individuals who are affected by the point mutations.
In India, there was a child who placed knives in his arms and walked on burning coal but
didn’t experience any pain o Squares = males
o Circles = females
o Black = affected
o White = not affected
This trait is found in many individuals
All the individuals who had this trait had injuries to their lips or tongue and also had
suffered fractures, limping etc
o This shows it is a deleterious mutation
▪ However, deleterious mutations are eliminated by selection, yet this one isn’t.
Patterns of Selection: has two broad categories:
Patterns that maintain genetic diversity
Patterns that reduce genetic diversity
Negative frequency dependence: occurs when the fitness of a genotype depends on the
frequency in the population
Selection favours first one allele and then the other
The allele frequency fluctuates around some equilibrium level
Fitness increases as an allele becomes rare
Selection favours first one allele and then the other
Patterns that maintain genetic diversity
o This is called rare phenotype advantage, which is
when individuals who are uncommon do better in their
lifetime reproductive success
• Fitness decreases as an allele becomes common
o The benefit of the trait is low if it is common
• The allele frequencies fluctuate around a stable equilibrium,
which is shown by ****
o A stable equilibrium point is where any deviations won’t
be maintained for very long because the population will move back to equilibrium
This type of dependence leads to a balanced polymorphism, which is when there is a
stable equilibrium with more than one allele
This is a type of a pattern that maintains genetic diversity
Heterozygote Advantage/Overdominance:
Heterozygotes have the highest fitness in the population
o Either homozygote can be higher than the other, but the highest will always be the
The allele frequency is often at stable
equilibrium since both alleles are being
Heterozygotes are at higher frequency than
expected under H-W
This is a type of pattern that maintains
genetic diversity, which leads to a balanced polymorphism
One allele favoured (directional selection): this arises when one allele is beneficial
This often leads to the fixation of favoured alleles and the loss of other alleles
o An allele is fixed when its frequency = 1.0
o An allele is lost when its frequency = 0.0
The rate of change depends on:
o The initial frequency of each allele o Dominance
There are three types of favoured alleles:
o Dominant
o Recessive
o Co-dominant (incomplete dominance)
This leads to a pattern that reduced genetic diversity
Heterozygote inferiority (underdominance): the heterozygous form has the lowest frequency in the population
This often leads to the fixation of one allele
and the loss of another
The loss of an allele depends on:
o The initial frequencies
o The relative fitness of homozygotes
This leads to patterns that maintain genetic
diversity among populations
This also leads to patterns that reduce genetic diversity within populations
Do these population genetic models of allele frequency change match reality?
This often leads to the fixation of one allele
and the loss of another
This often leads to the fixation of favoured alleles and the loss of other alleles
o An allele is fixed when its frequency = 1.0
Heterozygotes have the highest fitness in the population
• Negative frequency dependent selection examples:
o The cichlid fish, which is a scale eating fish
o It attacks the right side of the victim
o The frequency of the left handed fish over time fluctuates
near a value of 0.50
▪ Prediction: rarer type in each year should have
higher fitness than the more common type
▪ This is because victims are vigilant to the most
common type of attack
▪ The phenotype with high frequency in the population has a lower
frequency of breeding adults
• The rarer type has a higher fitness, which means negative
frequency dependent selection is occurring
o What other traits are under frequency dependent selection? ▪ For example, rovers and sitters in Drosophila
▪ Another example, is left handedness in humans
▪ Humans are considered to be violent beings
o Prediction: increased benefit of LH when combat is common
▪ Common combat =
higher equilibrium frequency of LH
▪ They eat scales taken from the side of a victim
▪ 20% of their attacks are successful
▪ It is one species, but there are 2 types of fish:
Right handed fish:
o Which has a genotype of RR and Rr o It attacks the left side of the victim
Left handed fish:
Right handed fish:
o It attacks the right side of the victim
o The frequency of the left handed fish over time fluctuates
near a value of 0.50
▪ Prediction: rarer type in each year should have
higher fitness than the more common type
▪ This is because victims are vigilant to the most
common type of attack
▪ The phenotype with high frequency in the population has a lower
frequency of breeding adults
• The rarer type has a higher fitness, which means negative
frequency dependent selection is occurring
o What other traits are under frequency dependent selection? ▪ For example, rovers and sitters in Drosophila
▪ Another example, is left handedness in humans
The frequency of left handedness in north America = 10-15%
It is a polygenic trait, which is a trait that is associated with
multiple genes that affect left-right body asymmetry
Other primates in evolutionary history how handedness
o Such as chimpanzees
The dominant right handedness evolved about 500 000 years ago
o It was among hominins, such as homo neanderthalnsis
It is associated with decreased longevity and schizophrenia
Why does left handedness occur in humans?
▪ Humans are considered to be violent beings
o Prediction: increased benefit of LH when combat is common
▪ Common combat =
higher equilibrium frequency of LH