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Thursday, June 21, 2018

BIOB33 Human Anatomy UTSC Muscles - origin - Function

BIOB33 Human Anatomy - UTSC - Muscles 

       Muscle name- origin to insertion- function

Pectoralis major- sternum to humerus- adducts the foreleg
Pectoralis minor- sternum to proximal end of humerus- adducts and retracts the foreleg
Latissimus dorsi- dorsal, lateral, and ventral sides, lumbodorsal fascia (sheet of connective tissue), lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae to the proximal end of the humerus on its medial surface- moves the foreleg caudally and dorsally
External oblique- posterior ribs and lumbodorsal fascia to ventral aponeurosis near linea alba
Internal oblique
Transverse abdominus
Rectus abdominus- pubis to the sternum and the upper ribs
External intercostals- located between ribs towards the back- raise the rib cage during inhalation
Internal intercostals- found along the entire inter rib space from dorsal to mid-ventral sternum- lower the rib cage during expiration
**linea alba**- at the centre of the ventral abdomen- thickening of the central part of the ventral aponeurosis (a sheet like fusion of tendons)
Brachiochephalic- back of the neck, back of the head, and mastoid process to the humerus- lies across the shoulder- moves forelimb anteriorly
Sternomastoid- sternum (splits into a V shape) to the mastoid process- flexes the head tot eh chest and inclines it to one side or the other
Digastric- temporal and occipital bones to the mandible- lowers the jaw
Sternum- “breast bone”
Thyroid cartilage- ventral prominent part of the larynx
Trachea- cartilaginous rings  
Thyroid gland- below the thyroid cartilage of the larynx and lying on top part of the trachea- part of the endocrine system- thyroid hormones affect the body’s metabolic rate 
Thymus gland- on either side of the midline and larger in size than the thyroid gland- important part of the immune system- found in the chest as well
Sternothyroid- beneath the sternohyoid muscle- depresses the larynx- involved in speech and swallowing movements
Thyrohyoid- thyroid cartilage to the hyoid bone at the base of the tongue- depresses the hyoid bone and elevates the larynx affecting speech and swallowing movements  
Triceps brachii
            Long head- triangular shape- scapula and cover most of the surface of the forelimb- extends the elbow
            Lateral head- dorsal portion of the forelimb- proximal end and lateral side of the humerus
            Medial head-
This description is for the following the muscles: Found on the lateral side of the forearm- lower to distal portion of the humerus- two insert at the digits and two insert at the metacarpals- extensors of the digits and front feet
Extensor carpi radialis
Extensor digitorum communis
Extensor digitorum lateralis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Brachioradialis- flexes the elbow
Trapezius- broad superficial dorsal muscle- posterior to the brachiocephalic muscle and dorsal to deltoid muscle- from the occipital bone cervical vertebrae and thoracic vertebrae to the spine of scapula- retracts the scapula towards the spine and helps stabilize the scapula (and shoulder gridle) during forelimb movement
Supraspinatus- scapula to the proximal end of the humerus- abducts the humerus
Spine of scapula
Spinodeltoid muscle-  
Infrapinatus- scapula to the proximal end of the humerus- rotates the humerus laterally
Teres major- scapula to the humerus with the same tendon as the latissimus dorsi- rotates and flexex the humerus
Serratus ventralis
Subcapularis- covers much of the medial surface of the scapula- attaches to the humerus- medial rotator of the humerus  
Biceps brachii
Flexor carpi radialis
Flexor digitorum profundus
Palmaris longis
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Rhomboideus group
            Rhomboideus capitus
            Rhomboideus cervicus
            Rhomboideus thoracis
Extensor dorsi communis
Tensor fascia lata
Gluteus maxius
Gluteus medius
Quadriceps fermoris
            Rectus femoris
            Vastus lateralis
            Vastus medialis
            Vastus intermedialis
            Biceps femoris
Adductor magnus
Tibialis anterior
Achilles Tendon

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