Chemistry lec 3
■ The
number of reactant particles in an elementary step is called its molecularity
– This
is the reaction order for an elementary reaction
■ A
unimolecular step involves one particle
■ A
bimolecular step involves two particles – though they may be the same kind of
■ A
termolecular step involves three particles – though these are exceedingly rare
in elementary steps
Rate Laws for Elementary Steps
■ Each step
in the mechanism is like its own little reaction – with its own rate law
■ The rate
law for an overall reaction must be determined experimentally
■ But the
rate law of an elementary step can be deduced from the equation of the step
H2(g) + 2 ICl(g) ® 2 HCl(g) + I2(g)
1) H2(g) + ICl(g) ® HCl(g) + HI(g) Rate =
2) HI(g) + ICl(g) ® HCl(g) + I2(g) Rate =
Rate Determining Step
■ In most
mechanisms, one step occurs slower than the other steps
■ The
result is that product production cannot occur any faster than the slowest step
– the step determines the rate of the overall
■ We call
the slowest step in the mechanism the rate determining step
■ The rate
law of the rate determining step determines the rate law of the overall
Another Reaction Mechanism
NO2(g) + CO(g) -> NO(g) + CO2(g)
Rateobs = k[NO2] 2
1. NO2(g) + NO2(g)
-> NO3(g) + NO(g) Rate = k1[NO2] 2
2. NO3(g) + CO(g) -> NO2(g)
+ CO2(g) Rate = k2[NO3][CO] Fast
SUM: NO2(g) + CO(g) -> NO(g) +
The first step is slower than the second step
The first step in this mechanism is the rate
determining step.
The rate law of the first step is the same as
the rate law of the overall reaction.
Validating a Mechanism
■ To validate (not prove) a mechanism, two
conditions must be met:
1. The
elementary steps must sum to the overall reaction
2. The rate law predicted by the mechanism
must be consistent with the experimentally observed rate law
Mechanisms with a Fast Initial Step
■ When a
mechanism contains a fast initial step, the rate limiting step may contain
intermediates ■ When a
previous step is rapid and reaches equilibrium, the forward and reverse
reaction rates are equal – so the concentrations of reactants and products of
the step are related
– and the product is an intermediate
■ Substituting into the rate law of the RDS
will produce a rate law in terms of just reactants
The Effect of Temperature on Rate
■ Changing the temperature changes the rate
constant of the rate law
■ Arrhenius
investigated this relationship and found that:
where T is the temperature in Kelvin
R is the gas constant in energy units, 8.314
A is called the frequency factor, the rate
the reactant molecules collide “correctly”
Ea is the activation energy, the
extra energy needed to start the molecules reacting
Arrhenius Plots
■ The
Arrhenius Equation can be expressed in the following form:
This looks like the Claussius-Clapeyron
equation – that talks about vapour pressure!
a graph of ln(k) vs. (1/T) is a straight line
Example: Determine the activation energy and
frequency factor for the reaction O3(g) -> O2(g) +
given the following data:
slope, m = 1.12 x 104 K y–intercept, b = 26.8

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